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Fig 3


Top “n” Tail  Wedge

This design is to give relief from aching  back and possibly relieving the discomfort of sciatic nerve pain by placing  the cold wedge under the tail bone as shown at the bottom of this page. (fig 3)  When used like this it induces your lower back to relax and the pelvic girdle to slowly open with the weight of your hips and thighs causing the lower back muscles to relax and possibly remove any pressure on the sciatic nerve.

We all tend to hold our shoulders forward and have our head slightly forward. This creates pressure and stresses within the neck and shoulders, the Top n Tail wedge when cold straight from the freezer placed under the back of the neck. As in the picture below  with the highest point under the neck (feel for the difference in the spine from the neck to the back) and the taper pointing down your back you must then relax , when your shoulders will sag and your head to fall back. This allows the airway to open allowing fresh air into your lungs and stretching the chest and allow  all the neck and back muscles to relax.

This pack is the most universal its shape allows it to be placed anywhere on the body and be used as an  ice pack with the added safety of not being able to freeze or damage the skin as ice packs are able to do if used for more than 20 minutes.

Cooleze wedge

Remember that narrowing of bone spacing will cause the bone segments to press against the nerves. In other words, it pinches the nerves. Also, ligamental disk is being compressed and pushed out this will cause irritation of the nerves, and this will in turn cause backache. This is also the case with bone-spur (or calcium deposit), which grows along the ligamental disk edge as shown in (Fig 2). If we make the spacing wider, we can reduce the pinching on the nerves. Pain related to the nerves can be greatly reduced, if not totally removed, by supporting and stretching the spine.

Cooleze Top “n” tail wedge can be used to support the neck vertebrae (t1/t2) and the lower back vertebrae (L4/L5).

    This will provide a gentle stretching action to restore the spinal curvature whilst the cooling will help to reduce any inflammation.      Cooleze Top “n” tail wedge stretches and supports the lumbar and cervical vertebra with your head and body weight.

    This will reinstate and maintain the spine to its physiological curvature, to eliminate back and neck disorders. And prevents recurrence as a result of changes in the curvature.

 Cooleze Top “n” tail wedge makes your spine and its surrounding tissues relax in their most balanced position. It relaxes and removes the strain and tiredness of muscles, tendons and ligaments surrounding the spine.

Cooleze Top “n” tail wedge

When using Cooleze Top “n” tail wedge, one lies down with the of the Wedge fitting snugly in the lower back or under the neck see (Fig 3).

   Some people may experience some pain due to a stiff spine but regular use for about 10 to 20 minutes would see a decrease in pain and an increase in mobility you or invalid can use the wedge as often as needed, even everyday in your home.

   People with symptoms related to the changing angle of the curvature of the spine will benefit from its use.
In short, the Cooleze Top “n” tail wedge is used to treat all kinds of vertebral  column problems.

These include pains, numbness, discomfort in the lower back or neck, also the four limbs can be affected, inflammation of the spine is due to the disorders of the spine curvature and inter vertebral column, disorders of the facet joint and inter vertebral disc these can result in slipped disc and dislocated facet joint and disorders of the tissues surrounding the spinal cord will cause sprains  and strains, wear and tear, backache and neck pains.

Some problems of the spine can be caused by the muscles not being flexible enough or not being allowed to maintain the bones in a equal balanced position because of a muscle being knotted on one side through a possible slight damage that has not been re coded with the brain that is still holding the faulty length of the muscle when the damage occurred I have proved this in my practice quit a few times.

One which I recall was a young lady who we will call  “Kate” who had been in a car accident. I had the pleasure to meet her whilst I was treating a small office work force on site. I had been asked to explain my planned treatment by the personal secretary and her CEO, I explained that I would use a mixture of Indian head Massage and a rotational movement tester (to confirm total relaxation and operation of all neck and shoulder, muscles) To get to the point I explained the rotation expected  and the  personnel Secretary  “said I can’t turn my head that far round” I can only get it to here! turning her head just a quarter of  the way round. I asked what had caused it and was told  a car accident, I asked if the spine had been damage and Kate said no, I replied what are you stopping there for your neck is fully healed and advised that I would prove it in 2 minutes. Kate answered “I will keep you to that”  I started with a warm up and after around 2 minutes placed a pencil in the centre line of her shoulder and asked  her turn to right then  left and both were as at the same angle. The time had been checked unknown to me and it timed at 1 minute 53 seconds. checked by Kate's CEO, Mission accomplished..

This young woman “Kate” was totally retrained and had full rotational movement and had tears in her eyes and confided that she thought that she was crippled for life.” Kate” had had the problem for 4 years and was over the Moon..

Spinal re-alignment assistant